A desert between two seas...
This is the continuation of the Syria - Jordan circuit, the beginning of which you can follow on page and then come back to.
And here is the border crossing at Deera, where Laurence of Arabia was taken prisoner by Turkish troops.
So goodbye Syrie.... And hello Jordan, its olive trees, its hills, its photos of its King who welcome us at the entrance of the country.
Before reaching Amman (), new capital since the 1930s, we admire the beautiful city of Jerash (
) , so well restored: hippodrome, theater, Nymphaeum, sanctuary dedicated to nymphs who were subordinate mythological creatures associated with springs, woods and mountains, oval square, markets, temple of Arthemis, Byzantine churches...
And end of the day in Amman which, because of its youth, has little historical and tourist interest.
It is in the footsteps of Moses that we head with Mount Nebo , the place where he died and was buried.
The site is being restored with the help of the Franciscans and received a visit from the Pope in 2000, who planted an olive tree there.
From the esplanade, you can see: the Dead Sea, Jericho, the Jordan Valley and also Jerusalem (but you still need good eyes!!).
Nearby is a site made official by John Paul II during his visit.
This one was discovered during works and updated the remains of a Byzantine church: the monastery of Béthanie built on a mound above the place where Christ was baptized by John the Baptist..
A few meters from this place of peace, float on either side of the Jordan, two flags, one Israeli, the other Jordanian...
The road runs along the sea, passing in front of the Wadi Mujib.
In biblical times, this fault was the border between the kingdoms of Moabites and Ebomites replaced later by the Nabataeans to arrive at Kerak () whose citadel stands victoriously.
This is where the master of the province of Outre-Jourdain and king of Jerusalem: Guy of Luzigan, but where he died: Renaud of Chatillon.
The arrival at Wadi Musa, indicates the proximity of the site of Pétra () highlight of our circuit and even the most difficult.
This site was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century and recognized as a Nabataean high place, which were mainly caravan traders who had above all a great mastery of water, a rare element in this part of the country.
The first monument that one discovers at the exit of a long parade (the Siq), it is a temple: the Khazneh (the treasure) , then while continuing many tombs carved in the rock.
These have merlot facades.
The full intervals left between the crenellations are the merlons, cut directly into the rock with multiple hues like silk.
Royal tombs including the famous tomb of the Urn, later transformed into a Byzantine church, a Roman theater and for the bravest, the climb to the Deir , a monument dedicated to ceremonies and above all a breathtaking view of the site.
A few kilometers from the site of Petra is Little Petra , a resting place for caravanners where they sometimes left or stored their goods.
The resting places are also cut into the rock, but less 'rich' in decorations and sculptures despite some paintings.
A stone's throw away is Beida, a place where 9000 years ago, men built their Homes: small reed huts covered with dried mud.
After these extraordinary visits, it is time to continue towards the Wadi Rum .
A Saharan type valley that is crossed by 4x4 crossing an amazing sandy plain of red color with sandstone, basalt rocks, dromedaries and turbaned Bedouins.
A last halt in front of an enormous rock cut by the wind and which is called: the Seven pillars of wisdom.
We end the circuit by joining the only Jordanian port: Aqaba () the southernmost point of Jordan which overlooks the Red Sea.
It is a special economic zone for the country, a maritime center for the export of potash, phosphates and cereals.
And to finish, a bit of idleness in one of the most beautiful sunny settings of the Red Sea before returning to France, which passes through the capital Amman..
INFOS19 octobre 2022
Provisions in force in Jordan
Entry into Jordanian territory is subject to the presentation of the following document:
> A QR code obtained by registering and completing the form on the Visit Jordan website.
> As the figures for COVID 19 contamination are very low, the Jordanian authorities have completely abolished the obligation to wear a mask and control vaccine doses.
The history of independent Jordan begins between the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire in 1921 and the partition of the territories over which the British Mandate over Palestine was exercised in 1946.
All the Palestinian regions located east of the Jordan are then offered to King Abdallah who creates there an independent Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.
This kingdom unifies western territories, belonging to the fertile crescent and inhabited for millennia, to immense areas mainly occupied by the Arabian desert.
Jordan is thus both the heir to the empires that successively dominated the region of the four rivers (the Jordan, the Euphrates, the Tigris and the Nile) and the heir to the Arab and Bedouin cultures of the desert.
Its modern history has been largely punctuated by the Arab-Israeli conflict and, more than elsewhere, by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This is explained by the composition of the Jordanian population at 70% of Palestinian origin and by the period from 1948 to 1967 during which Transjordan annexed the West Bank by giving Jordanian citizenship to the Arab populations of this territory.
Jordan is a multi-party parliamentary constitutional monarchy, where the Prime Minister is the head of government.
Jordan is a country in the Middle East surrounded by Syria to the north, Iraq to the northeast, Saudi Arabia to the east and south, and finally Israel and the West Bank to the west. All these borders represent 1,619 km. Jordan also has 26 km of coastline along the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea. The country's main cities are Amman (1,181,000 inhabitants in 2001), Irbid and Zarqa, all three located in the northwest of the country.
Jordan is mainly composed of an arid desert plateau in the east, and a mountainous region in the west. The Great Rift Valley and the Jordan separate Jordan from Israel. The highest point in the country is the Jabal Ramm at 1,754m, while the Dead Sea is the lowest point. The climate is dry and hot, especially in most of the territory occupied by the Arabian Desert. However, the country has a rainy season in the west from November to April.
Jordan is pursuing the policy of economic modernization initiated by King Hussein at the end of the 1980s and amplified by his successor, his son, King Abdallah II. In a particularly difficult regional environment, the performance of the Jordanian economy exceeded expectations. Among the successes to be credited to the authorities: the improvement of the management of the public sector, the management of privatizations, the creation of the special economic zone of Aqaba and special industrial zones (QIZ).
These factors have contributed to boosting the country's economic growth (7.5% in 2005), which is also supported by Jordan's position of refuge for Iraqi, Palestinian or Syrian capital, as well as by foreign aid ( mainly American). The Kingdom hosted at the end of May 2005, for the third consecutive year, the meeting of the World Economic Forum on the shores of the Dead Sea.
Jordan has a large external debt and budget deficit. Its tourism sector is sensitive to regional crises. A significant part of the population is poor. Jordan has also had to suffer the consequences of the increase in oil prices since the beginning of the year.
Source : Wikipedia
All year round, but the tourist sites are difficult in summer and it can be very cold in winter.
Good quality, road facilities are very good, the fleet of cars is recent or entrenu.
The food in Jordan is good enough and various. They find numerous fruits and vegetables there. The bread is most often the chapati, flat plain round flat cake cooks without sourdough, which is very good. Dishes are based on lamb and chicken, accompanied in general with rice and with vegetables, and preceded by numerous entries varied to consume with some bread. (cool cheese, raw vegetables, tuna.). They can drink water without danger, without treating it even. Water is a rare commodity in the desert. To find to find a place to live rather simple rest, hotel business is there clean and varied enough.
In most cases of local trade: mosaics, products of the dead sea, objects in marquetry, eggs of ostrich decorated, spices, hookahs, glassy objects with sands of colours, etc...
Tea or coffee ?